Friday, December 22, 2006

I Have Moved


This is my own domain, hosted with the best blogging platform; wordpress.

See ya there



Monday, October 09, 2006

I belong to the Plymouth brethren by birth and I hate the services, here’s why.
  • Music: Too slow/dragging and too little.
  • Exhortation for praising comes after the time for praise
  • The exhortations are mini sermons.
  • Messages are too long like in an hour and a quarter or too short like in 20 minutes
  • Testimony: The word is used interchangeably with “my life story”
  • Typology is considered synonymous to great biblical meaning.

In short, they are impractical, partial to those who have already been through the mill of “brethernism”, for all practical purposes they are exclusive as any outsider will feel so uncomfortable and out of place in the drab and gloomy services.

I wonder as I wander; Did jesus need grace?

Did the Man-God need grace from his God/Father.

To become a man
In the garden of gethsemene
To resurruct
To become man
On the cross

I wonder, as I wander.